Printing your images — how to prepare and print successfully

Printing your images -- successfully prepare for printing

Printing your images — how to properly prepare and print your images

Printing an image requires more thought and preparation than printing a document. It’s not difficult, you just need to be aware of a couple of extra steps…

  1. Sizing for print
  2. Setting the correct colour profile
  3. Final sharpening

Continue reading Printing your images — how to prepare and print successfully »

Is cloud storage a viable solution for a photography business?

Cloud storage for a photography business

Cloud storage — is it viable for a photography business?

I’ve looked into cloud storage as an off-site backup solution several times in the past. On face value storing images in the cloud seems the perfect solution technically:

  • you have access on the go
  • off-site backup
  • high availability and no maintenance

there are several show stopper reasons why it’s not viable (for me at least).

Continue reading Is cloud storage a viable solution for a photography business? »

What is ISO? How to set it correctly on your camera

Camera Sensor ISO Setting

What is ISO on a camera?

ISO is a scale of numbers that refer to your camera’s sensitivy to light. They usually start at ISO100 and increase from there to ISO25600 and even higher. Following the megapixel wars of the Naughties, the leading camera manufacturers turned their attention to ISO. We’ve since seen some incredible advances in sensor technology with some cameras now able to record images in near total darkness.

The general rule of thumb for ISO is the higher the number, the more sensitive your camera is to light. Doubling the ISO doubles the sensitivity and increases the exposure by 1 stop but not without a cost. As the ISO increases so does the noise in the image. Set your ISO too high and you’ll either have to Continue reading What is ISO? How to set it correctly on your camera »

Best free business tools for your photography business

Best Free Business Tools for a Photography Business

Business Tools don’t need to be expensive…

Business tools don’t come cheap, especially if you look to the industry leading software packages and services for your photography business. If you’re prepared to do some digging you’ll find some great business tools to improve your productivity and support your business that are available for free.

This article introduces you to the free business tools I’ve used (and in some cases still use) within my own company.

SugarCRM (Community Edition) — Open source CRM business tool

Best CRM Tool Photographer SugarCRMSugarCRM is an open source, enterprise class CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) solution. It’s extremely powerful and Continue reading Best free business tools for your photography business »

How to make more time for your photography (and feel less guilty about it)

How to make more time for your photography

How to make more time for your photography

Photography is great fun but there’s no denying it’s also time consuming — especially if you want to get better, learn new techniques and create stunning images like the ones we see in galleries and magazines.

That’s where the problem begins.

In our daily hurly burly there’s precious little enough time to do all the things we need to do without taking time out for ourselves. We spend so much time doing what’s expected of us by others there simply isn’t enough left for anything else.

Grabbing a few hours to indulge ourselves in ungratuitous pleasure makes us feel guilty because there are a million and one other things that need our attention:

  • the unfinished report that needs to be ready first thing tomorrow
  • your daughter’s ice hockey training
  • doing the daily chores

You know the kinds of things, all the ‘stuff’ we all have to do as part of our busy lives.

What if I told you making more time is easy?

It’s just a question of Continue reading How to make more time for your photography (and feel less guilty about it) »